Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Quantum Education Innovator
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Quantum Education Innovator

Merged up knowledge, innovation, and community within the field of quantum sciences, interconnected them with complicated threads in Artificial Intelligence, Embedded system, moving towards Educational Outreach, propelling the foundation's aim as a platform where science is not just learned but experienced, apart from the administrative roles have also combined the pedagogical and technological advancements, coming up with outreach and research projects.
Major Objectives inculcate-

·         Curating/catalyzing learning

·         Pioneered Digital Footprints

·         Bridging Diverse Learning Communities

·         Innovation in Educational Structural Chain

·         Nurturing Collaborative Growth

Merged up knowledge, innovation, and community within the field of quantum sciences, interconnected them with complicated threads in Artificial Intelligence, Embedded system, moving towards Educational Outreach, propelling the foundation's aim as a platform where science is not just learned but experienced, apart from the administrative roles have also combined the pedagogical and technological advancements, coming up with outreach and research projects.
Major Objectives inculcate-

·         Curating/catalyzing learning

·         Pioneered Digital Footprints

·         Bridging Diverse Learning Communities

·         Innovation in Educational Structural Chain

·         Nurturing Collaborative Growth

Merged adeptness, innovation, and a dynamic team environment within the realm of payroll and HRMS systems, interweaving them with complex threads in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, progressing towards Operational Excellence. The journey has propelled within the company's mission as a platform where payroll management is not just executed but optimized, besides the technical roles have also melded administrative insight with technological advancements, initiating outreach and project enhancements. Major objectives encompass:

• Curating/Catalyzing Efficient Payroll Processing

• Pioneered Digital Transformations

• Bridging Diverse Technical and Administrative Communities

• Innovation in Payroll and HRMS Structural Chain

• Nurturing Collaborative Growth and Continuous Learning

Merged adeptness, innovation, and a dynamic team environment within the realm of payroll and HRMS systems, interweaving them with complex threads in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, progressing towards Operational Excellence. The journey has propelled within the company's mission as a platform where payroll management is not just executed but optimized, besides the technical roles have also melded administrative insight with technological advancements, initiating outreach and project enhancements. Major objectives encompass:

• Curating/Catalyzing Efficient Payroll Processing

• Pioneered Digital Transformations

• Bridging Diverse Technical and Administrative Communities

• Innovation in Payroll and HRMS Structural Chain

• Nurturing Collaborative Growth and Continuous Learning

Merged adeptness, innovation, and a dynamic team environment within the realm of payroll and HRMS systems, interweaving them with complex threads in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies, progressing towards Operational Excellence. The journey has propelled within the company's mission as a platform where payroll management is not just executed but optimized, besides the technical roles have also melded administrative insight with technological advancements, initiating outreach and project enhancements. Major objectives encompass:

• Curating/Catalyzing Efficient Payroll Processing

• Pioneered Digital Transformations

• Bridging Diverse Technical and Administrative Communities

• Innovation in Payroll and HRMS Structural Chain

• Nurturing Collaborative Growth and Continuous Learning





Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering

Department of Computer & Information Science and Engineering

Senior Certification

Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Bachelor of Technology

Specialization in AI with ML

Scholarly Pursuits

Scholarly Pursuits

Scholarly Pursuits

Research Work

Research Work

Discover a collection of innovative initiatives and academic articles driven by Ishan's unquenchable thirst for understanding.

Discover a collection of innovative initiatives and academic articles driven by Ishan's unquenchable thirst for understanding.


Discover the abundance of Ishan’s comprehensive qualifications, showcasing his dedication to ongoing growth and progress.

Discover the abundance of Ishan’s comprehensive qualifications, showcasing his dedication to ongoing growth and progress.


Delve into Ishan’s impressive associations with esteemed organizations in the field.














Join us in celebrating Ishan’s recent Womanium Global Award, alongside his many accolades garnered from his exceptional endeavors.

Join us in celebrating Ishan’s recent Womanium Global Award, alongside his many accolades garnered from his exceptional endeavors.

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Ishan Shivansh Bangroo © 2023

Ishan Shivansh Bangroo © 2023

Everything is connected and uphold the potential of
being deciphered through the lens of modish sciences and technology

Everything is connected and uphold the potential of
being deciphered through
the lens of modish sciences and technology

Everything is connected and uphold the potential of
being deciphered through the lens of modish sciences and technology